
Sunday, October 30, 2016

Life Lessons

Sorry everyone! I have had a few rough and busy days and haven't made the time to post.

I did learn a very valuable life lesson this weekend though. For those of you who do not know, I am a Christian. In fact, that may be something I mentioned earlier, if not, now you know.

I met up with a former friend over the weekend and learned that some doors that God closes are better off to stay closed.

We have people that are put in our lives to be a lesson. This former friend was that lesson. I tried my damnedest to seek out a friendship again with this person because I felt like it was right....wrong.

God had only placed him in my life for a season and for a learn a lesson. That door was closed and and I made the mistake of opening that closed door and letting in a lot of pain.

So,'s the lesson I learned....when God shuts a door in your life, don't try to open it again. It's closed for a reason and let it be. I dead bolted that door back and chained it shut.

This person was harmful to my well being and that was the reason why I was not supposed to have him in my life anymore. However, I wanted the closure I so desperately sought for months. Well, I got it. Though, not in the way I wanted. But, now I know it's time to move on.


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